Well FANS the INSTAGRAM censors have out done themselves by their continual SEXUAL HARASSMENT of me, my LEGITIMATE business, and is attempting to slow, stop, or eliminate my ability to earn an income in a free economy. How do they do this? Using a two tier system of enforcement, they limit my growth with their alleged “Terms and Conditions” by stating As Follows. Now, whether they cease and desist is irrelevant, someone in their organization is constantly monitoring accounts, flagging them, and causing financial damage to the accounts. More than likely, an employee is taking bribes from outside entities to flag accounts that compete with them – a clandestine “pay for play” scheme. It appears outside the limits of acceptable business practices.

ALSO, it appears that the performance of Instagram and Twitter (X) are linked. This indicates that an external entity (website monitoring service) is being paid to interfere with my business. There are some VERY LIKELY candidates who would take on such a task, They are known by name and that name has been provided to authorities as well as to the respective websites.

They have attacked business related postings with these warnings as follows:

All of these actions are contrary to THEIR OWN Terms, and, as a result I feel it is necessary to publish this on Instagram:

Here’s one of MY “REELS” ON @INSTAGRAM

ASK YOURSELF, “What kind of double standards are going on with @INSTAGRAM?”

@INSTAGRAM can KISS my GRITS for their sexually harassing TREATMENT OF ME AND MY BUSINESS! If they allow the crap below without RESTRICTIONS, then they are bound by the same standards to EVERYONE!