Texas Attorney General DOES NOTHING to Enforce Social Media Law!

The Office of the Texas Attorney General has DONE NOTHING to uphold HB-20
This post was made TODAY on @X because of the continued harassment of my account by the @X platform. They have done NOTHING in over 2 years to correct their illegal activities. Breaking the law is breaking the law.

Did you know that selectively supressing an account on X is against the law?

Texas H.B. 20 does not allow platforms to interfere with digital expression, including expression on social media platforms or through electronic mail messages.

It has been held up by the U.S. Supreme Court now.

See full text here:

87(2) HB 20 – Enrolled version – Bill Text (texas.gov)

See US supreme court decision where in a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court vacated the staying of the preliminary injunction preventing enforcement of the law while the lawsuit is decided. September 16, 2022. see it here:

Texas Bill H.B.20 | TechPolicy.Press

So, when will @X comply with the law, @TXAG? 2 Years @X has had a search suggestion ban on my account!

See their ban here by inputting my @x account: Twitter Shadowban Test (yuzurisa.com) where the test clearly shows a “Search Suggestion Ban”! – What’s that?

This type of ban causes an account to not populate search suggestions and people search results when it is searched for while being logged out. Twitter seems to take tie strength or a similar metric into account. While an account may be suggested to users you are strongly tied to, it may not be shown to others.

@TXAG do your job and put a stop to ALL “shadowbans” using your law or YOU are an accomplice!
The proof is the data as shown below comparing @Instagram growth vs. the repressed growth on my @X account. SUPRESSION IS A CRIMINAL ACT UNDER TEXAS LAW HB-20!

My Excel analysis file: TW-20240822-Performance from 8/22/2024

Proof of ShadowBan from Twitter Shadowban Test (yuzurisa.com)