Once Summer hits and temperatures go way over 100F degrees we may move slightly from the spa to the adjacent pool. This is mainly to keep makeup from running down my face, ok? There’s nothing worse than watching me melt right in front of your eyes.
THE CAST of SpaCast™
Imagine having a conversation about girl-things, boobs, current events, boobs, travel, boobs, cosmetics, boobs, beachwear, boobs, sexy shoes, boobs, jewelry, boobs, makeup, boobs, fillers, boobs, and boobs! I think you get the idea! Basically everything about becoming and maintaining the GLAMOUR LIFESTYLE while enjoying extremely enhanced bosoms. There will be guests on according to their schedules. I’m pretty sure you’re going to like this!
Because of the proximity to production equipment and electrical items near water, my Engineer/Manager/Social Media Manager is ALWAYS on set! He constantly monitors the equipment and makes adjustments to it for the safety of all present. This is to keep guests and myself from having to touch any of the electrical equipment while submerged in water.
I would like to thank EACH and EVERY ONE OF YOU for your support as I build this dynasty. I hope that you will enjoy what SpaCast™ is and that you follow, like, and subscribe to the platforms. I’d like to say THANK YOU to the sponsors of SpaCast™ who have contributed greatly to its’ success.
There are efforts to “get this show on the road” to other locations as we think this genre of “watertainment” will bring value and fun to the world of busty models as they become more mainstream entertainment as they bring you the pool, beach, and yachting lifestyle! Please contact me directly if you would like this to happen for your event. If there is a pool, spa, lake, ocean that is at your location we will make every attempt to accommodate your needs. Remember that safety for all on our set is our highest priority.
“SpaCast™After Party” is currently being shown on OnlyFans with Host and CoHost having their own separate accounts!